microsoft edge chromium command line switches

Always treat user as affiliated. But the vast majority should be the same. TODO(pkotwicz): Investigate if this bug can be removed. Please note this is not Chrome OS kiosk mode. This directly sets the latency of the output device. Disables the new Korean IME in chrome://settings/languages. Can be. Allows media playback for hidden WebContents. The various modes are disabled, primary, or secondary. var options = new EdgeOptions (); options. List of Chromium Command Line Switches There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Disable sandbox even for non SFI mode. Override secondary gpu vendor ids from the GpuInfoCollector. This is different from the Media Session API as it is enabling a default behaviour for the browser. Use a specific disk cache location, rather than one derived from the UserDatadir. By default, an https page cannot run JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs. Allows explicitly specifying MSE audio/video buffer sizes. Once all network fetches have completed, timers fire and if the system runs out of virtual time is fastforwarded so the next timer fires immediatley, until the specified virtual time budget is exhausted. Red: Overdrawn four or more times. Minimum number of available frames for scheduling a transfer. Multiple origins can be supplied. We are currently testing the new browser in a trading room environment where we have to open several windows on specific sites on specific monitors with parameters as position and window-size. Disables permission action reporting to Safe Browsing servers for opted in users. TODO(guoweis): Remove this once the feature is not under finch and becomes the default. Disables panel fitting (used for mirror mode). Applies the material design mode passed via --top-chrome-md to elements throughout Chrome (not just top Chrome). Sets the output format for diagnostic modes enabled by diagnostics flag. Ex: --ppapi-plugin-launcher="path\to\purify /Run=yes". Primary/secondary refers to button placement (for experiment). The utility process is sandboxed, with access to one directory. Use a Mojo-based LocalStorage implementation. This flag is only relevant for Windows currently. You can display this help information in the command-line interface (CLI) or the . Disables Physical Web scanning for nearby URLs. This flag implies --alsa-check-close-timeout=0. This flag is needed until the API is finalized. The constant GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD must be defined. Only used if the cloud print service has been enabled. This is useful for finding issues in the metrics code during UI and performance tests. Refresh token for identity API calls for the current user. Screenshot testing: specifies the directory where the golden screenshots are stored. Enables site isolation for all chrome-extension:// urls. Give a scale factor to cause raster to take that many times longer to complete, such as --slow-down-raster-scale-factor=25. Uses the 1st display in --ash-host-window-bounds as internal display. Disable the behavior that the second click on a launcher item (the click when the item is already active) minimizes the item. TODO(tommi): Remove this switch when is fixed. These are my current Command Arguments/Switches: (Chromium) usr/bin/chromium --incognito --kiosk . Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing + impl-side painting. For more information, see, Application user model ID of a Microsoft Edge app package to launch, for example, A list of window types that are displayed in the list of window handles. Disables wallpaper boot animation (except of OOBE case). Enables the chromecast support for video player app. Disables use of ES3 backend (use ES2 backend instead). Enables using screenshots in tests and seets mode. SVG font should always work whether this option is specified or not. previous-app should be the app that was running when last-launched-app started. Disable user gesture requirement for media playback. A large proportion of results claim that as edge is now chrome based it supports most of the switches, but I have been unable to get any bar --new-window working. The argument's value must be a BSD device name of the form "diskN" or "diskNsM". Show rects in the HUD around layers whose properties have changed. Will add kWaitForDebugger to every child processes. gles: GLES renderer, ES2 and ES3. If you do not see a left pane, then either click/tap on the 3 bars menu button towards the top left OR widen the horizontal borders of the Mic This allows us to check whether or not reloading a webpage releases web-related objects correctly. Its primary purpose is to speed up integration tests. Disable workarounds for various GPU driver bugs. Whether the resize lock is disabled. Material design hybrid mode for the |kTopChromeMD| switch. Selects directory of profile to associate with the first browser launched. Android) so the page should be rescaled to fit. Allows Web Push notifications that do not show a notification. Enable compensation for unstable pinch zoom. The constant ENABLE_WAYLAND_SERVER must be defined. This flag significantly shortens the delay between nudge cycles. gl: Desktop GL renderer, ES2 and ES3. Overrides the default URL for Google APIs ( used by CryptAuth. UI,IO,DB,FILE,CACHE are the list of BrowserThreads that are supported. On the Transform menu, select New Transform. Include ANGLE's intermediate representation (AST) output in shader compilation info logs. This is a performance isolation mode. Chromium Command. Enable font antialiasing for pixel tests. "100+200-1024x768" positions the window at 100,200. - Polluks Feb 26, 2019 at 11:25 Show 12 more comments 10 The webviewOptions dictionary is used to configure the WebView2 environment when launching a WebView2 app. Possible values: parallel|postpone. Values are defined as: 'documentonlytrue' to set the default be true only for document level nodes. Number of worker threads used to rasterize content. If a value is passed, it will be used as a filter to determine if the child process should have the kWaitForDebugger flag passed on or not. Sets the maximum size of the in-memory gpu program cache, in kb. Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified port. Size of the ALSA output buffer in frames. Enables docking windows to the right or left (not to be confused with snapped windows). Cheers! Causes the PPAPI sub process to display a dialog on launch. Enables fanciful thumbnail processing. DirectWrite FontCache is shared by browser to renderers using shared memory. E.g., "/foo/bar/=2" would change the logging level for all code in source files under a "foo/bar" directory. Because reads depend on the process type, the prefetcher wouldn't be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:# arguments were used. Should only be used for testing purposes. Overrides the URL from which the translate ranker model is downloaded. The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value stored in preferences, and the default. Disables the sandbox for all process types that are normally sandboxed. - Wifi is unavailable 'wifi=portal' Enable kiosk mode. Disables the use of a zygote process for forking child processes. Texture target for CHROMIUM_image backed video frame textures. Allows overriding the deferred init fallback timeout. Invalidation service should use GCM network channel even if experiment is not enabled. This is useful to see which switches were added by about:flags on about:version. Default values are 150M for video and 12M for audio. Handle to the shared memory segment containing field trial state that is to be shared between processes. Development flag for permission request API. Be sure to use --no-sandbox as well or the sandbox won't allow the dialog to display. edge://about-- Same as edge://edge-urls/; edge://accessibility-- Inspect the representation of accessibility in Edge and modify accessibility modes. Disables native GPU memory buffer support. Renderer process parameter for WebRTC Stun probe trial to determine the interval. Also we lose the chance to kill some processes until the outer job that owns them finishes. Switch to an existing tab for a suggestion opened from the New Tab Page. Any other value will lead to Chrome detecting the best backend automatically. If omitted a default of 5 seconds is used. Disables safebrowsing feature that checks for blacklisted extensions. We need this for testing purposes so that the UI tests don't depend on what comes up for Allows insecure XMPP connections for sync (for testing). Sep 3, 2021 Microsoft Edge This article lists some command-line flags I used to troubleshoot Edge/Chrome issues. List of Edge Command Line Switches? Touch Exploration Mode will no longer be turned on automatically when spoken feedback is enabled when this flag is set. Setup cloud print proxy for provided printers. Flag indicating that a resource provider must be set up to provide cast receiver with resources. See FieldTrialList::CreateTrialsFromString() in field_trial.h for details. This switch is for temporary testing only. Disables GL drawing operations which produce pixel output. Passes gpu driver_version from browser process to GPU process. Used in the browser process, and ignored if invalid. Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes. Enable the data reduction proxy bypass warning. Enables DevTools server for UI (mus, ash, etc). Command line flag offering a "Show saved copy" option to the user if offline. Keeps only track of summarized churn stats in the task profiler (chrome://profiler). Normal browser users should disable translate with the preference. The following resources are available in Microsoft Stable. Feature switch expects either --enable- or --=1, but about_flags expects the command line argument to enable it (or a selection). You can start the Office app as usual, by clicking the program icon on the desktop, or by clicking the program name on the Start menu. Enables the observation of accelerometer events to enter touch-view mode. Configure whether chrome://profiler will contain timing information. --disable-accelerated-video. Enables a 1 MB savings promo for the data reduction proxy. This is useful when testing the app list or a custom launcher page. E.g. Pass an empty string to mark the profile as non-supervised. - Always use the complex text path for layout tests. Starts the GPU sandbox before creating a GL context. If not specified, the platform default is used. This flag causes the user engagement checks for showing app banners to be bypassed. The argument is a wildcard pattern which will be matched against the site URL to determine which sites to isolate. Enable only saving pages as MHTML. Url for network connectivity checking. Enables tracking of tasks in profiler for viewing via about:profiler. This switch only affects HTTP and HTTPS requests. Set the value to '2' to enable the simplified overscroll UI where a navigation arrow slides in from the side of the screen in response to the horizontal overscroll gesture. (off, normal, or aggressive). Disable showing available password credentials in the keyboard accessory view when focused on form fields. To see a list of all the available shortcuts in Microsoft Edge, see Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge. The following list highlights important Chrome command line switches for users of the Google browser. Force to report VP9 as an unsupported MIME type. The names are declared in Settings.json5. Do not rename it sooner, though; developers and testers might rely on it keeping large amounts of testing passwords out of their Keyrings or KWallets. and "foo." Enforce IP Permission check. Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) mode. Disables the Web Notification and the Push APIs. Passes active gpu vendor id from browser process to GPU process. This is how the metrics client ID is passed from the browser process to its children. Enforces a one-site-per-process security policy: Passed to Chrome the first time that it's run after the system boots. Enabled the local sync backend implemented by the LoopbackServer. Override the maximum framerate as can be specified in calls to getUserMedia. Disables notifications about captive portals in session. Microsoft Edge kiosk mode offers two lockdown experiences of the browser so organizations can create, manage, and provide the best experience for their customers. Turns off the accessibility in the renderer. If a report indicates the buffer usage is 100%, a warning is issued. Implicitly enables the site engagement service. Show rects in the HUD around the screen-space transformed bounds of every layer. Fallback to XPS. Small wallpaper to use in guest mode (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file). See kEnableSlimmingPaintInvalidation. The URL that the webstore APIs download extensions from. Redirect stderr to the given port. Force showing the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting the full credit card number for a wallet card. Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to TCP/UDP socket APIs. @WesleeJKN0487How to use this switch --disable-ipc-flooding-protection, please guide me on this as I am new to it by The constant ENABLE_IPC_FUZZER must be defined. Disables tab detaching in fullscreen mode on Mac. The disable-renderer-accessibility switch overrides this if present. The list is of the following form: [:],[[:],]. Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other elements drawn underneath. Enables native ChromeVox support for Arc. Specifies if a heuristic should be used to determine the most probable target of a gesture, where the touch region is represented by a rectangle. Enables using the default search engine country to show country specific popular sites on the NTP. Also disables the timeout during registration that waits for the ack. This flag makes Chrome auto-select the provided choice when an extension asks permission to start desktop capture. Used to authenticate requests to the Sync service for supervised users. Only supported on Android. Used to pass initial screen resolution to GPU process. Specify the initial window position: --window-position=x,y. Disables HW decode acceleration for WebRTC. Do not use the mojo UI Service in the Chrome render process. Use --force-fieldtrials for Data Reduction Proxy field trials. Arguments with an associated value should be separated by an. Useful if an experiment makes chrome crash at startup: One can start chrome with --no-experiments, disable the problematic lab at about:flags and then restart chrome without this switch again. Overrides the path of Easy Unlock component app. Disables custom Cmd+` window cycling for platform apps and hosted apps. For boolean type, use "true", "false", or omit '=' part to set to true. It is illegal to use |kDataReductionProxy| or |kDataReductionProxyFallback| switch in conjunction with |kDataReductionProxyHttpProxies|. Note this check does not go through the Data Reduction Proxy. Enables overscrolling for the OSK on Android. Forces the stub implementation of dbus clients. This flag is used by Rialto device to obtain device policy during OOBE since the Rialto device has no display and and only connects over cell. Makes Windows happy by allowing it to show "Enable access to this program" checkbox in Add/Remove Programs->Set Program Access and Defaults. The number of multisample antialiasing samples for GPU rasterization. Blocks all insecure requests from secure contexts, and prevents the user from overriding that decision. For example: "MAP *" --> Forces all hostnames to be mapped to "MAP * proxy" --> Forces all subdomains to be resolved to "proxy". Create an instance of EdgeOptions, which provides convenience methods to set Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities. Types should be comma separated, and follow the naming convention for string representation of model types, e.g. Requires MSAA support by GPU to have an effect. ( However, there are cases in testing where we do want to go through the permission flow even in dev mode. See for more details. Sets the initial window size. Overrides the kEnableGpuRasterization and kForceGpuRasterization flags. Disables the tab strip auto scroll new tabs. This post list some useful command-line arguments or switches. Path to a comma-separated list of apps to load at startup. http and https can be set as seperate protocols or together by the default web browser. Blocks insecure usage of a number of powerful features (device orientation, for example) that we haven't yet deprecated for the web at large. Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched according to its configuration. --ash-force-desktop. Controls CrOS GaiaId migration for tests ("" is default). Used with NTP for instant-extended-api, where thumbnails are generally smaller. Google Chrome command line arguments. Disables the default browser check. What they do? IMPORTANT: this isn't to be confused with --process-per-site (which is about process consolidation, not isolation). Enable the mode that uses zooming to implment device scale factor behavior. --chrome-version Tells chrome to load the specified version of chrome.dll on Windows. This is only supported on Windows Vista and later. If set, we lock the screen or shutdown the system immediately in response to a press instead of displaying an interactive animation. Example: --max-gum-fps=17.5. Disables showing the search geolocation disclosure UI. Force the UI to a specific direction. In contrast to kDisableMetrics, this executes all the code that a normal client would use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent to the server. Instructs headless_shell to cause network fetches to complete in order of creation. Disables using CODECAPI_AVLowLatencyMode when creating DXVA decoders. WebFonts intervention v2 flag and values. The constant GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD must not be defined. Default is "" for prod devices. Override the URL to which metrics logs are sent for debugging. List of command-line arguments to pass to the Microsoft Edge process on launch. - this disables automatically saving the result to a file and the first manually recorded trace will then receive all events since startup. This is generally only useful for tests that want to force disabling. Disables android user data wipe on opt out. comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Example: --trace-shutdown --trace-shutdown-file=/tmp/trace_event.log. Most Microsoft Edge-specific capabilities are exposed through the EdgeOptions object. Enables a hung renderer InfoBar allowing the user to close or wait on unresponsive web content. Enables close proximity detection. Shows additional checkboxes in Settings to enable Chrome OS accessibility features that haven't launched yet. This is a temporary testing flag. Percentage of the browser controls need to be hidden before they will auto hide. Enables the Material Design policy page at chrome://md-policy. All keys are optional. Assigned Access via Set up a kiosk using Microsoft Edge browser (Chromium version) The use case: The laptop to on boot login to the kiosk user and be directed to the desired web address. Default is "". This will open the hidden C:\Users\ <username> \AppData\Local\Microsoft folder for the current user. Overrides per-origin quota settings to unlimited storage for any apps/origins. There is no list of all switches, but most of the existing switches can be found at Causes Chrome to launch without opening any windows by default. Specify the initial window workspace: --window-workspace=id. Enable automatically pressing the print button in print preview. Argument to the process type that indicates a PPAPI plugin process type. Add --disable-features=feature1,feature2,feature2 separated by a comma after the .exe portion in the Target box. See for details. Force logging to be enabled. The following lockdown experiences are available: Digital/Interactive Signage experience - Displays a specific site in full-screen mode. /prefetch:# arguments to use when launching various process types. (Used by people testing their sites.). Allows setting a different destination ID for connection-monitoring GCM messages. Configurable commands. Enables the Android Wallpapers App as the default app on Chrome OS. Low res tiles may be displayed during fast scrolls especially on slower devices. This article only lists capabilities specific to Microsoft Edge. Check whether all system dependencies for running layout tests are met. Sets the market URL for Chrome for use in testing. This flag causes sync to retry very quickly (see polling_constants.h) the when it encounters an error, as the first step towards exponential backoff. After you configure the EdgeOptions object, pass EdgeOptions into the EdgeDriver constructor. When using CPU rasterizing disable low resolution tiling. Disables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support. Enables custom-drawing the titlebar and tabstrip background so that it's not a garish #FFFFFF like it is by default on Windows 10. Fall back to using CAOpenGLLayers display content, instead of the IOSurface based overlay display path. With this the GL output will not be correct but tests will run faster. Does nothing on Mac. The token to use to construct the message pipe for a service in a child process. You must pass the full name of the capability and a value with the correct type. Could you please indicate where I can find theEdge on Chromium Command Line Switches? Specifies a comma separated list of host-port pairs to force use of QUIC on. "Override" value for kCrosRegionsMode (region's data is read first). Specifies the URL where spelling service feedback data will be sent instead of the default URL. Enable use of experimental TCP sockets API for sending data in the SYN packet. Not for user use. Override secondary gpu device ids from the GpuInfoCollector. Command to Run Edge from Command Line. The filename to write the output of the test tracing to. Disables the USB keyboard detection for blocking the OSK on Win8+. To collect (or not collect) events from Page domain. This is useful for tests because it means that tests don't have to mock out the policy infrastructure. Note: all options are in the format 'foo=x'. Skip gpu info collection, blacklist loading, and blacklist auto-update scheduling at browser startup time. Specifies the file name for --trace-to-file. Specifies the number of seconds between sending batches of feedback to spelling service. The calibration factors given as ",,,". Enable logging of GPU driver debug messages. --cipher-suite-blacklist Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable. If Edge started without that key, user can close assigned access application or create new desktop using gestures. The contents of this flag are prepended to the utility process command line. Applied before kDisableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these features. The switch is intended only for layout tests. - The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models. Optional user name to use when connecting to a Windows Device Portal server. Used by 'fake' telemetry login. On platforms where helper processes cannot access to files needed to make this decision, this flag is generated internally. Disable field trial tests configured in fieldtrial_testing_config.json. Normally positive values are used for V-logging levels. The page must prcoess a user gesture before an entry can be added. Disable the net::URLRequestThrottlerManager functionality for requests originating from extensions. Used in memory tests. This allows for obtaining an accurate sample of the types of images on the web, rather than being weighted towards PNGs that we have encoded ourselves. Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. Disable the toolkit-views App Info dialog for Mac. Extra command line options for launching the GPU process (normally used for debugging). Makes component extensions appear in chrome://settings/extensions. Currently (as of 12 October, 2019) there is a beta (78..276.17) version available, where the following parameter is working fine: msedge.exe --user-data-dir="C:\ChromeBrowser_profiles\Profile_edge" Note that executables are available at: Optional value for Data Saver prompt on cellular networks. Used for testing. So if an organization is worried about ciphers used within their organization, they can simply direct their servers to only negotiate cipher suites acceptable to them. List: :, :, Overrides network stub behavior. Update: For Microsoft Edge Version 91..864.67 on Window 21H1 (OS Build 19043.1083) (as tested) you can use: start msedge.exe -inprivate or, from a PowerShell prompt: Start-Process msedge.exe -ArgumentList "-inprivate" Share - Wifi is initially disabled 'wifi=none' Stop the GPU from synchronizing on the vsync before presenting. Enables synchronizing WiFi credentials across devices, using Chrome Sync. These values aren't switches, but rather the values that kSSLVersionMax and kSSLVersionMin can have. It only works if a URL was provided by --trace-upload-url. Disables use of DWM composition for top level windows. Name of the command line flag to force content verification to be on in one of various modes. Between sending batches of feedback to spelling service feedback data will be sent instead of output... Promo for the current user exposed through the EdgeOptions object be hidden they. # FFFFFF like it is enabling a default of 5 seconds is used left > , < right >, < bottom >.... 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microsoft edge chromium command line switches