mexican slang dictionary pdf

The word gey comes from the Spanish word buey, which literally means "ox" or "steer.". The oxford dictionary of slang. e.g. 24. Greedy, or someone who cant get their fill. Cargar la Cruz verb To be hungover. Commonly found as a suffix in place names. Que rollo! (What a nightmare!). Huevos al Gusto (Eggs as you like them). An individual who one cannot take seriously. Chamba. A taco is a soft tortilla topped with any filling, which is picked up and consumed using the hand(s). Download Free PDF. Te escribo por whats (Ill write to you on WhatsApp). Ladronzuelo noun A professional mugger. Montalayo noun Provincial word for the mixture of cooked entrails from an animal. Caparazn noun The hard skin or armour of an animal. The term comes from the Nahuatl language: Itacatl, meaning bag, or rucksack. Curado de Bigote noun The dregs of a barrel of alcoholic drink. A brown-nose. ( I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, that's for sure) 35. The nominal baddie in a lucha libre wrestling show. i.e. Also known as Aporreadillo. Te mamaste expression Saying meaning that the subject has gone beyond the normal boundaries, in either a good or bad sense. Cola que te pisen expression To have a shady past. Pato/Patito adj Of an item which is an imitation version of the real thing. I keep hearing this word "ese" (also spelled "es" or "se") on TV used when parodying Spanish speakers. By their means is often said in a sentence what would otherwise take an hour to express. Albur noun Wordplay in which a sentence is constructed to sound like a more offensive grouping of words. Hacer de pedo verb To make problems for someone, or to tell someone off. Wey- "Dude" Let's start with the most common Mexican slang term. Soconusco noun The Pacific coast border region with Guatemala, located in Chiapas state. to take away the ball. Canijo noun Lightly pejorative, or playful, way of referring to an individual, mainly highlighting their person defects. Some in Mexico still refer to the capital by its original name. de plano no apareci (He just straight-up didnt show). Polcan noun A dish from the Yucatan, consisting of a fried corn dough ball, with is opened and filled with one of a variety of stuffings. The etymology of this slang stems from the name Graciela, which is similar enough to the word Cerveza to be substituted for it in slang vernacular. hazme un paro (do me a favour). Nice. Spanish Slang Words | Stop talking like you're reading from a Spanish dictionary! Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde. (For he who is smart, wherever he lands, its green. Literally A donkey has no fear. Literally I cant find the head nor the feet. e.g. Literally a bite. e.g. 2. noun An excellent or powerful individual; the best in his or her (Chingona) own field. Queena noun A Queen card in a deck of cards. Al Pastor noun Pork loin marinated in chili, spices and vinegar, and then stacked Shawarma or Dner-style on a vertical spit. the speaker referring to himself or herself. As a diner would stop a taquero as they begin to prepare another round of tacos, because they do not want to eat any more. noun A despective term for an uneducated or unsophisticated person. Estn chidos tus tenis! Also, Guey and wey. e.g. Ballena noun A Caguama, specifically of Pacifico beer, found only in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, where the brewery is based. Gila noun Also; loba, vampira, gatita, zorra. Also happysn. A telling off. Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. Be very careful who you call buey. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. Pulque noun The fermented juice of the agave, turned into a popular alcoholic drink, generally with an ABV of around 5%. This comes from the time when households would toss their dirty water out; before doing so, they would yell "aguas," to those nearby to warn them. Equivalent of cheeky monkey. The most stereotypical Mexican expression. e.g. 2. Lencha noun Despective and offensive word for lesbian. e.g. Chela noun Beer. Toques noun A drinking game commonly played in Mexico Citys nightlife spots, in which two electrodes are held in ones hands, or a human chain is formed by linking hands, with one electrode at each end, and an increasingly strong electric current is passed through the circuit, with the aim of the game being to hold on, and endure the increasing pain, as long as possible. Literally a parachutist. Frijoles chinos noun Colloquial term for refried beans. Usually made of fibreglass and with an outboard motor attached to the back. "Meksikano, which is then abbreviated to chicano. Aporreado noun A dish typical to the Tierra Caliente in which dried beefsteak, egg, beans, tomatoes and spices are stewed together. e.g. Used commonly to say when something has reached its completion, or is fully put together/armed. Chaln noun An employee, most often in the context of physical labour. Puetero noun A wanker in British English. Esa madre ya no sirve (That thing doesnt work anymore). Comes from the phrase Ni Trabaja, Ni Estudia (Neither works, nor studies). Patchouli noun Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or apparently emotionally weak. e.g. Also Aeromosa, Sobrecarga. bag off Verb. No le buscas chichis a las culebras expression Dont go looking for problems that you cant handle. Mas vale malo conocido, que bueno por conocer exp Exact equivalent of Better the devil you know. Vamos al bar. I-Latino noun The letter I. The Collins Spanish online dictionary offers you: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of today's language. A huevo! As in baseball; the bat something away. Tenemos maciza, costilla o montalayo (We have lean meat, rib, or tripe). Aplicar una llave verb A lucha libre wrestling term for putting an opponent - or anyone else for that matter - in a head-lock. This is used like 'fuck you'. (Didn't you know that Jaime had an affair with his secretary?) is a classic example of someone mentando madre. See also Pelo Chino. e.g. Literally, to withstand a caning. Chiquilique noun A sea creature known in English as a Pacific Mole Crab. Pues yo como de chile, mole y pozole. e.g. Tapata/o A native of the city of Guadalajara. Also used reflexively for any subject, i.e. 9. Literally the clown took him away. Batucada noun The moment during a party (usually a Quinceaera or a wedding) in which party favors such as fancy dress, balloons, or other fun items, are distributed amongst guests. It will help you get to know new people and learn the basics about them. No mames (literally means 'don't suck it') is one of the most ubiquitous Mexican swearwords. Apachurrado adj Sad, quiet or pensative mood. Picadero noun A crack-house or drug den, so called because it is where people go to inject (picar)/. Me la como. (The traffic light is red, but theres no one coming. Enchilar verb To annoy or anger someone. Relleno noun Colloquial term for a King card in a deck of playing cards. What do you want to comer?. e.g. Amarrar Navajas verh To instigate or encourage conflict in which one will not be involved. Also el del estribo. e.g. This uncouth practice has since become synonymous with being a loser.. Chancho noun A pig. Alguien quiere de mi ceviche? Also Fulana/o de tal. noun Chicano word for organised crime gangs in the U.S. of non-hispanic heritage. e.g. This example is not recommended unless you are a regular and well-known patron of the establishment. Fusca noun A pistol, or firearm. A term for a person of inferior intellect. Me vuelves a hacer eso, y te voy a partir la madre (You do that to me again, and Ill beat the shit out of you). But Lara shrugs off the risk of being criticized for bringing the gangland vocabulary into Mexico's own Spanish dictionary, which first appeared in 2010 to highlight the country's . 2. Most of the time, a naco acts unpleasantly, is not well-educated and uses certain colorful slang. This is the cartel which shot down a federal governments helicopter in 2015. Mojado noun A person of undocumented immigration status living in the United States. Pompar, pompeamos, pompeaste, do not exist). Aventado noun An individual who acts without thinking. Hijole, me enchile bien cabrn (Damn! A su mecha! ongos are built specifically to evade the attention of the authorities, and are well-disguised from the outside. Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. Oye, cuculuste! (Hey, curly!). noun A posh person, or individual from a privileged social class. The writer, the artist, the dramatist, the cinematog-vii 7_3929_DOSpanSlang_FM 7/19/08 8:54 AM Page viii. Concede cambio de luces A road sign commonly seen on federal highways asking motorists to be considerate of their headlights when passing oncoming vehicles. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir up controversy or ill-feeling. Banter. Miedo no anda en burro expression Intended to tell someone not to be scared, in that donkeys supposedly are aniamsl which dont feel fear. Chupafaros noun A loser, or an inadequate individual. This slang dictionary seeks to support parents, carers and professionals to better understand the language young people may be using and support them to safeguard young people. Chavo/Chava A boy/girl or young person. llegue a las 6am y me hicieron la jarocha (I got in at six in the morning and I got a bollocking). Poor, demonstrating poverty or sub-standard. exclam Inoffensive way of expressing annoyance or frustration. Mamador adj Of the very highest class, top-dollar. Usually worn over the shoulder, and often called a messenger bag, its a handbag designed for men. Teporocho noun A common alcoholic, or vagrant. Carnitas noun A preparation of pork in its confit (i.e. Darle las tres verb To take the final few puffs on a cigarette or other smokeable item, in order to finish it. Guarapo noun The act of fellatio. Pocho is an Americanized Mexican-American. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. It's often used in a very funny way to indicate friend or homie but I can't tell what it means. Get a move on!, or Hurry Up!. e.g. Wrestlers are divided between rudos and tecnicos. The term has since come to describe the style and culture espoused by women of Sinaloa State. i.e. A common term, between friends, to refer to one another. Dejaron de pagar, y no di la cara (They didnt pay, and never showed their face). A wank. Cartel del Golfo noun Organised crime organisation from the state of Tamaulipas. Halcon noun A cartel lookout, or spy. It is sweetened whole milk, which is evaportaed, leaving behind the sugary curds. The phrase comes from the historical character La Malinche, an indigenous woman who aided Hernan Cortes in his conquest of Mexico. Que crack es ese guey. (Did you see Ronaldos goal. Taparabos - noun Despective word for indigenous clothing, in that it serves for little more than covering ones bottom. Lets go or Lets move. Zorro noun A member of the Mexican Armed Forces who has no common sense, or does things without thinking them through. Example sentences from real language to show how the word is used. noun The social media messaging platform WhatsApp. Ahuevo exclam An exclamation in the affirmative. Comal noun The wide hotplate on which tortillas are cooked. Literally with your permission. The proper response to this phrase is Propio. It is thought to have come from the English word "plink", which means to shoot randomly and casually at targets. Man up!). It is then often mixed with beer, to make michelato. Hampa noun A gang, or organised criminal group. Mamar Gallo verb To tease, or play a joke on someone, the context being playful. is correct, while Quin pomp las chelas is not. It is a free PDF file with 75 expressions. Cacharpo noun The bus drivers assistant, or conductor on public transport. It is widely used in Chile. Tends to be regional term to Chilangos. oye, echame la mano (hey, give me a hand). Tequila noun A highly regulated mezcal, certified and distilled in the state of Jalisco, made from the blue agave genus of the maguey plant species. Finish whatever you are doing quickly (most commonly used with a beer). Copili noun An Aztec, or indigenous, headdress. to pass. Chanchullo noun An agreement or deal reached under the table, or in a way that circumvents best business practice. e.g. Commonly eaten in Mexico and the wider region. La Cal que pela expression Descriptive of a person who appears to be very innocent, but is in fact very abrasive or problematic. bag of bones Noun. e.g. El Gabacho The United States, or an American person when used in the personal context. The oxford dictionary of slang. Fresia (disambiguation) Freisa Varies in form across the country, but is most commonly salt-rimmed and with lime juice. Literally a cardboard palate. exclam Expressing frustration or annoyance. Tepache noun A drink made from fermented pineapple skin. Zarandeado noun A food preparation style, in which a fish is basted in a blend/rub of spices, and then grilled over charcoal. Charolear verb To work as a waiter, or waiting tables. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression equivalent of Fuck You. Literally you cant whistle and eat pinole. 1. Harina noun Flour. The vast majority wear masks, the removal of which is seen as a great dishonour to their characters, who inspire great devotion and adulation in Mexican culture. A jartera is, basically, a big meal.The word comes from harto, which generally means "tired", but sometimes it's used as "satisfied" or "satiated."If you say Qu jartera!, that means that you're extremely full.Good for you! Calli noun Nahuatl word for house. To have verbal-diarrhea. His nickname means Shorty, or The Short One. Sudaca noun Despective term for a native of the South American continent. Sobres exclam Expressing the affirmative. B Pequeo noun The letter V. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. Literally: you say tomato, and I make the sauce. Bichote. b) The best, or very successful, person. Changuitos noun Crossed-fingers, and in expectance of good luck. Up yours. Piojo noun A cheeky individual, who seeks to take personal advantage of a situation. A fairweather fan, in the context of sport, but can also be used in any other context; i.e. Esta tragando camote (Look at this idiot with the green light, but he isnt moving. Pifiar verb To make a mistake or error. It depends on who is saying it and with Abuelita de Batman exclam A toned-down way of saying Ahuevo! Gringo Puetero (Yankee Tosser), as referenced in the Molotov hit song Frijolero. Partir el queso verb To be the person to cut the cheese is to be the host, or most important individual within a social setting. Mexican Slang | SpanishDict Vocabulary Mexican Slang 51 words by SpanishDict Start the Quiz Share tapato from Guadalajara rale! El nuevo iPhone esta muy perro.. Most often found as a suffix on place names. If you're in the presence of elders, the tamer no manches expresses the same sentiment. Chiflar y comer pinole, no poder expression Meaning it is impossible to do two things well at the same time. No conozco el pozole verde de Chilapa, pero el de Acapulco me gusta mucho.. Groseria noun. An individual who has the tight curly hair typical to black people. Literally we have to plough with these oxen. To belong to a royal or very rich family. e.g. Hecho la Chingada expression Moving at a very fast pace. (Their excuse makes no sense whatsoever). Puta is incredibly versatile, found in Spanish all over the world and even in English when code-switching.. First and foremost, it's an insult, used to call someone a "slut" or degrade them in general. Chingadera: Something without value or importance. 2. noun A disgraceful thing or act. Traer Pual verb To have very convincing points of argument, which can change another persons mind or opinion. Since slang is constantly changing, it can be difficult to find definitions of certain terms in a printed dictionary. Guajolotera noun A public bus which follows an informal start-stop route. Lana noun Money. Nopal noun Prickly pear. Tapeo / Terraceo. Not uncommon in Mexico, given the extremely poor economic state of Pemex, the state oil company. Pacheco 1. noun A stoner, or someone who enjoys smoking marijuana. An asshole in American. e.g. Gorrn noun An individual who is happy to consume, but unwilling to pay their share. Literally, to make oneself like a trout. Astronomy, space and the universe. Comes from colonial times in which a ships yardmast (the horizontal beam from which sails were hung) was known as the verga. que buena peda anoche (What a good party that was last night), A state of complete inebriation. Verle la cara verb To trick or con a person, most often connected with money. To steal something. Comes from the expression Cuerna de Chivo. Traeme la feria (Bring me the money). Although agua still means water in Mexico and beyond, aguas is a Mexican slang word that means "watch out" or "be careful.". exclam Lets go! Synonym of the imperative vmonos! It's sort of fuck your mother, but means 'go fuck yourself'. From ome meaning two, and teotl meaning force, god or fire. The original piatas are a ball with seven spikes protruding from them, designed to represent the seven deadly sins. Changos! Adding some slang to your speech will make you sound like a local but make sure you use slang in the correct context and be sensitive about the foreign culture you find yourself in. Find all the trustworthy resources you might need to engage more in slang talk here. This is the pronunciation guide from my "Mexican Slang 101" books, nice and brief. Cuchillito de Palo expression Signifying that something is a constant annoyance, in that no corta, pero como chinga! (It doesnt cut, but it certainly bothers). By the way, I am mentioning picking up cheap comics and children's books . No. (X in this case being the lauded subject of the chant). lets do it!, sure!. noun A corn (most common) or wheat flatbread. e.g. A los taxistas, este gasolinazo nos esta dando en la torre (This gas-price hike is badly affecting us taxi drivers.). Its most commonly eaten in taco form, with coriander, onion and pineapple. (Fuck you!). e.g. In traditional cantinas, a botana is served with each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving. (Be careful!) Literally, I sell tomatoes, not marbles. Chido adj. Apando noun A solitary isolation cell in a penitentiary. Said in a lucha libre wrestling show another persons mind or opinion mexican slang dictionary pdf... Comics and children & # x27 ;, Ni Estudia ( Neither works, studies... Not be involved re in the personal context colonial times in which will. With 75 expressions roof, most commonly used with a thatched palm roof, commonly... A naco acts unpleasantly, is not well-educated mexican slang dictionary pdf uses certain colorful slang person. Often found as a suffix on place names hey, give me a favour ) tomato! Or does things without thinking them through beer, to refer to the capital by its original name apparently weak! A preparation of Pork in its confit ( i.e from fermented pineapple skin when. 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mexican slang dictionary pdf