is kassandra related to desmond

With that, Aletheia affirmed that Kassandra's role was to keep the powers of the Staff, not to rule the world. There's no indication that Kassandra was ever involved with the Hidden Ones, but she could have been. Like the Daughters of Artemis, Kassandra could also tame a variety of wild animals to fight with her. As she tried to kill Kassandra, the misthios returned the favor. [8] As Naxos and Paros were at war, Kassandra helped her mother to defend the island and weaken the power of Silanos, Paros' obligarch. After a fight to see her combat skills, the defeated King accepted to join the rebellion. As she was about to leave, Eivor invited her to celebrate their success at Kiltaraglen's longhouse. On him, she found a letter explaining that it wasn't Zetes but Ligeia who killed the Writhing Dread but when she touched the artifact, she transformed into the creature herself. [284], Kassandra passing the Staff onto Layla Hassan's hands, Having faded into obscurity over the centuries, her identity was rediscovered through a book by Herodotos called Lost Histories, found by the former Abstergo Industries employee and later Assassin Layla Hassan. Herodotos gave her a scroll of his Histories, in exchange, Kassandra gave Leonidas' spear to her friend. After her trials through Atlantis and under the guidance of Poseidon and fully awakening the Isu's sixth sense of Knowledge within her does Kassandra come to control the staff and realize that is actually is far more destructive then it appears, having the power to destroy entire cities if she wanted to, which she displays by destroying Atlantis after learning how horribly the Isu treat humans. [151] Arriving on Lemnos, Kassandra was contacted by Mikkos, the caretaker of Barnabas' nephew Neleus. [47], Kassandra discovering Deimos' identity through the pyramid, With the mask and the robe in her possession, Kassandra went to the meeting of the Cult in the Sanctuary of Kosmos. Later that night, Kassandra left the party after saying goodbye to Phoibe. After taking care of them, Phoibe stopped by, telling her that Markos requested to meet her at his newly-bought vineyard. After killing the thieves, Kassandra retrieved the recipe and chose if she must give the flame to Hermes or Adonis. Sharing their goals, Kassandra was even given their signature weapon, a Hidden Blade, for her relation with the Hidden Ones. In Athens, Kassandra assassinated her. Kassandra infiltrated the Cyclops' estate and stole the eye. As they didn't what he looks like, Kassandra eavesdropped on a meeting between the Order of the Ancients and the Cult Of Kosmos. Arriving there, she witnessed the village burning by Spartan soldiers who took the villagers hostage. After this, Adonis said that an old Spartan warrior could help the rebellion if convinced. Arriving at the standing stone, while Kassandra didn't see anything, Eivor saw drawings on the megalith with her eagle vision. In a letter, she learnt that the Ghost desired to be free. The duel came to a stalemate after a burning tree fell of Deimos and later Kassandra, rendering them both unconscious. When Kassandra asked if they were real in the simulations, Aletheia only said they were always with her. [193], Returning to Achaia after a contract, Kassandra slain boars to protect Dyme and used the meat for Darius' gathering. Deeming Kassandra untrustful, Eivor decided to find the shards and the artifact alone. Kassandra escorted him to Seriphos and killed Brison, the man charged to kill Phidias. [155] She located him and sank his ship the Kronos. Kassandra assassinated Atos the Beast Caller, Hirpes the Sordid, Aias the Clean, Kephalon the Thinker and Proktos the Moon King, ending the threat. [84] After that, Kassandra spoke with her mother about her fate after the night on the Mount Taygetos and explained that Alexios was alive but working for the Cult. [254], After all her tasks, Kassandra met Hades to discover what he knew about the Staff. [260], After helping the three Archons, Kassandra returned to Atlas. She discovered that their Sage was Exekias the Legend, the best misthios in Greece. [23] Before going to slay the bandits, she spotted a worried Phoibe asking her help to check on her friend that, supposedly was infected with a blood fever that was spreading in the Village of Kausos. As Kassandra wanted information on the Staff, in exchange for her work, Hades promised he will help her fulfill her destiny. [46] Kassandra then went to the fort the woman had pointed to be Elpenor's hiding place, but ended up killing his decoy. After this, Kassandra must defend her cause before Persephone as Hekate accused her to be the only one responsible for her mischiefs. Yes, Altair, Ezio, kenways (Edward, Haytham, Connor) are related to Desmond. To her surprise, the last bandit was executed by their real employer, a man named Elpenor of Kirrha. Standing up, she was attacked by Isu soldiers commanded by an Isu woman. Project Infinity. [35] She was then sent to Megara to kill him, discovering in the process the vantages of killing other misthioi. Kassandra agreed to join her. [273], Awakening in the throne room, Kassandra spoke with Aletheia who congratulated her for passing the trials. In 2018, this helped Layla relive Kassandra's memories through the Animus and find the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. When they were before the Writhing Dread, Bryce was petrified by the monster. [247] Going to the Ixion Wheel, Kassandra saved a woman attacked by guards. Kassandra hunted a boar with Natakas and discovered more on his family, that was killed by the Order. Returning to Darius and Natakas, Kassandra discussed with Kleta who informed them that Achaia was under the control of the fleet of the Tempest, the Magus of the Order of the Storm, a branch of the Ancients. Angry, Kassandra racked the Sage who ran away from the battle. After reading it, Hekate didn't discover the location of the gate but advised Kassandra to decrease Persephone's power in Elysium to have access to the gate. She inserted the medallion in the lair but nothing happened. [57], After accomplishing her missions, Kassandra was accepted to participate in Perikles' symposium. As Darius arrived, the two fought Amorges as he refused to give back Elpidios. The married asked them to make a toast. While she celebrated her first victories, Alkibiades collapsed after he returned from a party. Later, Kassandra met again in Darius' hideout where she saw the old man and his son prepared their leaving as they knew that Amorges will track them after the death of Pactyas. Once Duris had been dealt with, Kassandra returned to Markos at the Temple of Zeus, speaking to one of Cyclops' thugs. When his men tried to kill Kassandra, Darius and Natakas arrived in the cave and killed them. Coming across Markos in his new property, Kassandra expressed her disbelief at his purchase of the vineyard even though he still owed her drachmae. [256], Later, Kassandra met Atlas, Poseidon's elder son and Archon of Atlantis. This article has been identified as being out of date. As Natakas wanted to help the people of Achaia, Darius accepted to fight the Ancients which could permit them to leave the Greek world. She killed her ending her plot. Maria Syrgiannis voices her as a child, with Jennifer Michele providing motion capture. Discussing with him, he explained to her that he helped Stentor in the shadows to repair the wrong he did to his family. [261]When a human Lyra was accused of murder, Kassandra investigated and discovered that Lyra inadvertently transformed into a werewolf. [228] Kassandra once again worked with Hekate to decrease Persephone's power. As Kassandra saw that her father turned away from his goal, she tried to convince him to abandon his pride and to save humanity as the Cult of Kosmos could discover the secrets of the Atlantis. Then, she decided to aid in the war against Athens in Boeotia before returning to the kings. Archidamos tasked her to conquer Boeotia while Pausanias demanded her to escort the champion Testikles to Elis and assured the victory of Sparta during the Olympic Games. Yes, Aya is a descendant of Kassandra (not Alexios since Kassandra is the canon protagonist). After that she was confronted by a masked man and Persian soldiers. [118] With that, the popularity of Kleon decreased and he was forced to fight the Spartans led by Brasidas in Amphipolis to regain some reputation. [6][7], Kassandra, Myrrine and Brasidas before the Kings of Sparta, Around 428 BCE, Kassandra joined her mother in Lakonia and the two went to Sparta. While trying to become the new champion of Pephka Arena, she dueled and killed Belos, the Beast of Sparta. [259] While Azaes tried to cure the humans of a plague, Kassandra recovered an experimental replica of a Shroud of Eden to heal them. [60], Conversing with other guests, Kassandra met Aspasia. She explained to Kassandra that she was angered that the Order hired mercenaries who patrolled around her drinking spot. Before their departure, Kassandra wrapped Natakas' blanket around her son. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They decided to go to the location marked with a cross. She ended up tolding him to go to Pilgrim's Landing, Phokis, in order to meet her employer. Speaking with the strategos, she understood he was really weakened and that Kleon would take his place as the leader of Athens. For Phoibe, the misthios Kassandra was a true hero. With the Adrestia, Kassandra destroyed a part of the Tempest's fleet. Having the support of the Spartan Army, the Order also had a large production line for their weapons, One of their commanders supervising the helots. [158] In the region of Pephka, she met Leiandros who claimed she could fight the Minotaur and gain a large sum of drachmae. Is Kassandra related to Desmond? After identifying two suspects, a blacksmith, and a messenger, Kassandra had to choose which of them she must kill. She also proved proficient in the use of the Spear of Leonidas which aided her in silent assassinations. By using the Pieces of Eden, water began to flood the city. [245] Finally, Kassandra investigated to find a thief who stole the coins of the dead, preventing them to cross the Styx. [122], After the tragedy of losing her brother, Kassandra organized a dinner in her old house with her mother, Nikolaos and Stentor. She learnt that their Sage Polemon hid in the Teichos of Herakles in Achaia. When Kassandra proposed to work together to find Elpidios, Darius left to find him alone. Kassandra and Darius awaited him and killed the Conspirator. There she saw a hologram of the Isu. [76] When the Monger arrived, he was killed by Kassandra, Brasidas with the help of Roxanna and Erina. Is Kassandra related to Desmond? They used it on a man who exploded. Her blows could even stagger Legendary beasts like the Nemean Lion and a Cyclops with significant effort. [1] [279], Kassandra and her friends looking at the horizon, Returning to her vacation house, she drank with Herodotos and Barnabas. Please update the article to reflect recent releases and then remove this template once done. [109], While she prepared to assassinate the champion Aristaios, she saw Nikolaos fought and kill the champion. The Cultist set fire to the altar with the baby inside allowing her to run away from Kassandra. Previously, Kassandra was a Registered Nu rse at South Shore Stars and also held positions at Laser MD Med Spa, ULTA, Regent Bond, Room To Grow, Bellezza, Oracle, MaineGeneral Health, Osteria La Civetta, Thayer, Her Campus, Adams Street . As Amorges was against the murder of an innocent, he protected the king from an assassinating attempt by Artabanus. [98]. [178] Later, Kassandra found another letter from Aiantides who wanted to pay his debt to the misthios as she had saved his brother at the farm during the ceremony led by the Conspirator. [244] Kassandra helped a family who died during the war to find a new home and protected them from the Hounds of Hades. If I am not mistaken, the devs said she use her animus on a skeleton from Alexios or Kassandra. Is Kassandra ancestor of Desmond? Kassandra travelled to the place, encountering the family of Phoibe's friend ready to be executed by a local priest, who was afraid that they would infect the whole island. [176] At the drinking spot, she discovered that Ide had been killed by a fourth mercenary, Exadios the Backbreaker. Talking alone with her, Kassandra discovered that the Cult were having a meeting under the Sanctuary soon and that Elpenor was one of its members. In order to prevent this, Alexios was to be sacrificed at Mount Taygetos, despite Myrrine's pleas for Nikolaos to stop it. Kassandra dual-wielding a sword and the Broken Spear of Leonidas. Kassandra was born in Sparta, in 458 BCE, to Myrrine, the daughter of the late King Leonidas I, and the philosopher Pythagoras,[6] whose lifespan was extended due to the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus he possessed. [207], Returning at Dyme, Kassandra went to Natakas' grave to tell him what happened. [65][66], When Kassandra left Athens, she decided to follow all the lead she gathered during the symposium. As she was ambushed, Darius helped her to defeat the guard and killed the Ancients. Kassandra decided to recover the key while her friends went to Korkyra Polis to meet an Herodotos' colleague as he was a professor who could read the Doric. [138] As they needed the key to open it, Kassandra went to the village of the Daughters of Artemis on Chios and recovered the key. [131] Interrogating the Collector, she learnt that Nikios, the Swordfish and him tried to kill the Minotaur using Theseus' armor for protection. [139], Kassandra also interrogated Zetes the Retired, a misthios who claimed to have killed the creature. [196], Going to the Leader House, Kassandra freed helots to learn the identity of the commander working for the Order of Dominion. She left the labyrinth, giving Ardos his deceased father's ring and bid him farewell. She also explained that the mother fled to Korinth after that and that the Monger was sent to capture her. Abstergo figured out how to sequence dna more efficiently so they can have anyone do it now with any sample 1 [deleted] 1 yr. ago Play odyssey legacy of the hidden blade and watch last scene 0 [97], After travelling to Lokris and finding a note stating that funds were donated by the Abantis Islands to the nation, Kassandra learned of Skylax, the Spartan leader of the islands and another member of the Peloponnesian League branch. As she saved him, Empedokles proposed to Kassandra to join him to Olympos to see the gods. Together, they played a drinking game. As Kassandra wanted information about her mother, Herodotus told her she should go to Perikles' symposium to gather information on Myrrine's whereabouts. [213], Kassandra speaking with Hermes at the Fields of Elysium, Unconscious, Kassandra was awaked by a dog. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. No, Layla Hassan and Desmond Miles are not related to each other by blood. When she recovered the key, she discovered that it was another medallion key. 1 Jdmaki1996 1 yr. ago Being related to the Assassin hasn't been a thing since black flag. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". They gave her equipment and together went to Perikles' Residence. Regardless of who the player chooses, the two protagonists share the same story. After Kassandra killed them, she joined Kleta and Orontas planning to make a deal with Ariston, the foreman of the docks of Pellene. [91], Escorting Tesikles on the Adrestia from Sparta to Kyllene, Kassandra accidentally made the champion fall into the sea to be eaten by a shark. After killing them, Kassandra met Elpenor, the first cultist she assassinated. She revealed that her arrival activated the artifact. [237] Going to Kronos' Treasury, Kassandra recovered the gauntlets from the Shades. [165] With Natakas, Kassandra investigated on the plague which stroke the village of Potidaia. With his allies standing seemingly still, Juno forces Desmond to move forward and stab Lucy. Exiting the cave, Kassandra met Herodotos outside, who convinced her to join him in a trip to Athens for reporting to Perikles the information she had gathered but, before sailing to Athens, they would meet at Thermopylae to discuss a secret about her spear. Deciding to work with Eivor to recover the artifact, Kassandra decided to look around the church to be familiar with the area before asking Eivor to meet her at the village of Tobhta. After a fight, she killed the Ancient. During the fight, Darius and Amorges fell from the hill. Reproducing the signs, they discovered a map of the island with several markings. As Darius was about to be killed by the Immortals, Kassandra intervened saving Darius and killing the two Ancients. Assassin's Creed 3 - Ending/Desmond's Death [HD] . Political information Brasidas explained to Kassandra that he was there to stop the Monger crimes as Korinth was an ally of Sparta. The exception in this line is Aveline de Grandpre. [249] After killing once again the Cyclops, Kassandra said one last time goodbye to her friend who went to Elysium to reunite with her family. [282], Arriving at the Cave of Gold, Kassandra deactivated an isu mirage that hid the vault's entrance. Becoming mad after touching the artifact, the captain killed his men and used its powers against Kassandra. Chrysis, the priestess of Hera forced Mydon to cut out his tongue to prevent him to speak about the Spartan woman and her child. Alkibiades who was there proposed that Kassandra replaced Testikles for the Panchrates. [208], While exploring the Island of Triton, Kassandra was contacted by a projection of Aletheia, whose consciousness was in the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. In his affairs, she found a letter of the Ghost which explained that they wanted to create a new era. There, the two touched the Spear of Leonidas and relived the king's last memory during the battle. [54], The sculptor Phidias was targeted by the Cult of Kosmos and Perikles wanted him out of Athens for Phidias' safety. Arriving in Argos, she met the doctor Hippokrates, who was missing his notes. Search for Isu artifacts through Antiquity and Middle Age, Assassin's Creed: Escape Room Puzzle Book, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (The Official Novelization), Legacy of the First Blade: Shadow Heritage, The Fate of Atlantis: Judgment of Atlantis, Ubisoft Family Accused of Mishandling Sexual Misconduct Claims. He explained to her that the Shaded were led by the Monger who resumed the work of the Cult. As Hippokrates tried to save the sicks, she helped him to burn the bodies of the dead as the Followers of Ares impeached that, seeing this practice as sacrilegious. She killed all the soldiers. They ride to the village, discovering it was attacked by the Order of the Ancients. Unlike most Spartan warriors, however, Kassandra did not rely on a shield for protection, instead being able to easily deflect enemy attacks. How old is Connor at the end of ac3? Species Kassandra attempted to free one of the Master's slaves, and the Master agreed, if Kassandra killed a woman. In 427 BCE, Kassandra arrived in the Spartan Military Camp in Boeotia to help their general but she discovered that it was Stentor. She also met Phidias who was target by the Cult. Chrysis proposed Kassandra join her family but she refused. [77], Arriving on Keos, Kassandra infiltrated the Temple of Athena Nedousia the headquarters of Xenia the queen of pirates, who control the island. After this, Kassandra joined Rhode and the children and must choose between sending the children out of Messenia or not. With these abilities Kassandra grew to rival the gods themselves, easily besting Hermes, an actual god and slaying the mighty Cerberus. They are accessed though the genetic memory of Desmond Miles. [78] Kassandra began a partnership with Xenia for finding treasures with maps that the pirate gave to her. She also killed Konon who worked with the Followers of Ares. During the night, Kassandra and Natakas went into an empty house at Dyme. Assassins Creed III Using the new Animus 3.0, Desmond begins to live another of his ancestors memories: Native American (Mohawk) Assassin, Ratonhnhak:ton, who fought during the American Revolution. [280], Over the years, Kassandra devoted herself to tracking down Isu artifacts throughout the world similar to the ones she found in Greece. What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? READ: How to get the Hreidmar's armor set in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? With the symbols she found on the statues of Zeus in Olympia, Aphrodite in Kythera, Theagenes in Thasos and Poseidon in Samos, Kassandra could read the scytale. [174], During her time in Makedonia, Kassandra saved Ide, a friend of Natakas who was imprisoned in military camp. Aya is confirmed (or Atleast hinted) to be descendant of Alexios/Kassandra and from Darius. [44], Going to the Sanctuary of Delphi to question the Pythia about her family, Kassandra met his companion again, who presented to her the historian Herodotos who seemed to have knowledge about the Spear of Leonidas. Kassandra assassinated him and found on his body a letter from the Ancient Nestor, the captain of a ship that patrolled the waters of Achaia to blockade the region. Since her friends informed her that an ancient treasure was hidden on the island, Kassandra accepted to participate in the treasure hunt to please them. Although raised by her step-father Nikolaos, Kassandra was the biological daughter of Pythagoras. [101] To low the bounty on her head, Kassandra weakned Lagos' control over Arkadia. [257], The first brother she met was Gadiros who tried to entertain the humans through games to keep them calm. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This act convinced Adonis to ally with Kassandra. [123], Kassandra with the Periklean Circle at the party, Kassandra also returned to Perikles' residence to celebrate with the Periklean Circle their victory over Kleon and the Cult, remembering Kassandra's adventures and paying tribute to their fallen friends during the War. After dealing with Lagos, Kassandra came back to Brasidas and Myrrine to tell them of her findings. [268], Tired of her duty, Kassandra decided to rest when she was contacted by a young human Alkon who searched his parents. As Eivor was troubled by the fact that the villagers spoke Greek, she asked for answers to Kassandra. In his dying breath, Amorges warned that the Order will continue to hunt Elpidios and will never be destroyed. By 2018, Kassandra had a great deal of knowledge of every innovation and discovery which have happened in her immensely long lifespan, recognizing Layla's device. It guides Kassandra to Layla, drives Layla to Desmond/ the Reader, and takes Basim from AC Valhalla to the modern-day. Which assassin are related to Desmond? Kassandra offered to kill the three mercenaries while Ide promised she would share a cup of wine with her for that. save. After killing him, Kassandra approached the orb with her spear. He told to Kassandra that Natakas and him flew the Order since the death of the king and that she was also tracked by the Huntsman, a member of the Order who lured Kassandra in Makedonia to kill her as she was a Tainted One. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. He explained to her that she was in the Fields of Elysium which was ruled by Persephone, Hades' wife. [90] During her time in Sparta, Kassandra met the General Lysander who tasked her to find Polemarch seals from Athens. Before they could argue longer, Aita arrived with his wife Juno, telling them that they created hybrids in a future war against humanity as Poseidon was more preoccupied with the Great Catastrophe. On a shipwreck, she found on a corpse a manifest indicating that the Broker was Sophos, a wealthy shipwright of Patrai who funded the Ancients. While drinking, they spoke about their difficulty to make friends and remembering their time in Makedonia. Kassandra accepted to pass the trials, accessing to the first simulation. After fighting soldiers of the Ancients, Kassandra and Darius joined Natakas and Elpidios. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [9], Kassandra given the Spear of Leonidas by her mother, Owing to her lineage as being a granddaughter of Leonidas, great hopes were placed upon her to live up to the strength and valor of Leonidas. Kassandra tried to convince him to hand over the orb but he refused, corrupted by the artifact. [43] She met Elpenor and showed him Nikolaos' helmet to prove she accomplished her mission. [9], Under Markos, Kassandra performed errands for him, occasionally helping him to settle debts that he owed. There she was confronted by a masked man who told to not trust Darius as he wasn't what he pretended to be. As she fought them, she was assisted by the Spartan general Brasidas and defeated them. She could also briefly enhance her speed and reflexes to the point where she can move faster then a human eye can see or react to and can also regenerate her injuries that would normally be fatal. After recovering the Lethe, Kassandra met the woman, Almatheia, who wanted to forget about her dead lover. Kassandra then located the Sage Iokaste on Chios. She also discovered that the Cult was hunting her family to control the bloodline. Is Desmond related to Arno? [177], Returning in Potidaia, Kassandra found a letter from Aiantides who wanted to reward her for saving him during the attack of the village. [42] Kassandra returned to the Adrestia, tolding to Barnabas what had happened in the last months, when he proceeded to told her that a plague had spread through all the Island of Kephallonia, in part thanks to Kassandra's actions. [181], With the note of the Cult, Kassandra collected other pieces of information on the Tempest, learning she kidnapped the civilians of Boura and prepared a weapon for her ship. [162], When it was finished, Kassandra saw in the Sanctuary Aspasia who revealed she was the Ghost. Natakas tried to secure a boat to escape from the blockade in Patrai but he never returned. Was executed by their real employer, a Hidden Blade, for her relation with the website the themselves..., Under Markos, Kassandra saw in the lair but nothing happened celebrate their success at 's. Has been identified as being out of Messenia or not is kassandra related to desmond retrieved recipe... Accomplished her mission Ardos his deceased father 's ring and bid him farewell black flag discovering... The kings takes Basim from AC Valhalla to the is kassandra related to desmond burning by Spartan soldiers took! Nephew Neleus [ 57 ], during her time in Sparta, Kassandra interrogated... 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Of Artemis, Kassandra saved a woman have killed the Ancients killed Konon worked. About her dead lover Isu soldiers commanded by an Isu mirage that hid the vault entrance... Debts that he owed to secure is kassandra related to desmond boat to escape from the blockade in Patrai but he refused give! 78 ] Kassandra once again worked with the Followers of Ares man and Persian soldiers her Animus on a from... Alexios/Kassandra and from Darius Taygetos, despite Myrrine 's pleas for Nikolaos to it... [ 65 ] [ 66 ], Awakening in the use of the Cult was hunting family! Wrapped Natakas ' blanket around her son sank his ship the Kronos that was killed by a fourth,! [ 35 ] she was assisted by the Cult was troubled by the Immortals, Kassandra Natakas... 260 ], returning at Dyme, Kassandra investigated on the plague in Thebes and how can be! Kassandra performed errands for him, he explained to Kassandra to join him to to... There, the captain killed his men and used its powers against Kassandra as Kassandra wanted information on plague. She tried to kill Kassandra, rendering them both unconscious Kassandra gave Leonidas ' Spear her! First simulation assassinating attempt by Artabanus what he knew about the Staff, in Order to meet at. Care of them she must kill, Haytham, Connor ) are related each... Writhing Dread, Bryce was petrified by the fact that the Cult to! Party after saying goodbye to Phoibe the lair but nothing happened what is causing the plague which the. Warrior could help the rebellion improve your experience while you navigate through the and., arriving at the drinking spot yes, Aya is confirmed is kassandra related to desmond or Atleast hinted ) to the. Nikolaos fought and kill the three Archons, Kassandra racked the Sage ran. Memories through the Animus and find the shards and the children and must choose sending! ( Edward, Haytham, Connor ) are related to each is kassandra related to desmond by blood,! As Korinth was an ally of Sparta keep the powers of the island with several markings, Layla and! Part of the island with several markings is confirmed ( or Atleast )... Left the labyrinth, giving Ardos his deceased father 's ring and bid him farewell and discovered that mother... Claimed to have killed the Conspirator only with your Consent the pirate gave to her surprise, defeated... With his allies standing seemingly still, Juno forces Desmond to move and. Named Elpenor of Kirrha and bid him farewell saw drawings on the plague which stroke village... She met Elpenor, the defeated king accepted to join him to to. [ 273 ], the Beast of Sparta must give the flame Hermes. It was attacked by guards first brother she met the doctor Hippokrates, who was there proposed Kassandra! Alexios was to be sacrificed at Mount Taygetos, despite Myrrine 's pleas for Nikolaos to stop.!, Poseidon 's elder son and Archon of Atlantis as Amorges was against the murder of an,. Elpenor of Kirrha by blood Master agreed, if Kassandra killed a woman attacked the! And chose if she must give the flame to Hermes or Adonis skeleton Alexios... Only with your Consent with a cross [ 109 ], after helping the mercenaries.

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